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Unfinished Drupal Limerick

I was just cleaning out my computer and found this little Limerick:

Greg's Unifnished Drupal Limerick

There once was a CMS named Drupal
With code, the developers were frugal
It's only 2megs
Taxonomy means tags
I like to play the bugle

I think I wrote this 2 years ago.

As you can see, the last line is pretty weak. I think the basic flaw is that I ended the first line with Drupal and then had to try to rhyme something close to it which is kind of hard.

People Involved: 



There once was a CMS named Drupal
With code, the developers were frugal

Frugal they were
'cause they didn't want to share

It's only 2megs
Without any real pegs

In this bad economy
You must use taxonomy

Taxonomy means tags
I wish Drupal were 3 megs


I like you Angie's web site.
I'd like to create one just like yours, not to compete but to reinforce what you are doing.
Can you help?


yes and no

My company can be hired to work on projects like this, but I wouldn't want to take it on as a collaborative (i.e. unpaid) project.

I've had enough time wasted on angies list and the discussion on this site as it is...I don't need to create even more work related to it.