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Facebook Social Map - What I Should Click vs. Want to Click

If you ask to become my friend on facebook and I respond by assigning some strange social map characteristics, I'm sorry. The thing is, when that little "How do you know...?" box pops up I just have this amazing urge to select the wrong thing.

I'm not entirely sure why I get this urge. I mean, in general I like having structured data about the world that is accurate. Is it just an immature joke like "it's funny cause it's not true"?

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Lunch Rules

Azure (Connexxxo Exxo) Lunch Rules:

  • Tuesday is eat in day
  • Thursday is also eat in day
  • Friday is not really Friday. It is "F-Bomb Friday" and lunches are better
  • If Friday or Monday is a vacation day then all bets are off
  • Nephew in law is bullshit

Edit from 2006:New Lunch Rules: Use the Burrito Randomizer to figure out what I'm going to have then walk to Chipotle. Mmmm.

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What kind of burrito am I going to have today - Burrito Randomizer to the Rescue

I really like burritos from Chipotle Mexican Grill.
One day I noticed their sign that said "Two things, thousands of ways"
which referred to "tacos and burritos" as the two things, but pointed
out that with their ingredients, the number of combinations is limited
mostly by your imagination. Thinking more on this and needing something
to do with PHP, I worked out this page with a lot of help from the PHP Cookbook (buy at Amazon).

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Fun Streets In Denver

These streets are near us - and they are fun!

Denver uses a numbers and letters system for it's streets. For the most part, East/west streets are numbers and north south streets are letters. The alphabet has to keep repeating, so they used a system where one set is plants, the next is states in the union, and other similar schemes. We happen to live in the American Indian tribe set of streets. So, depending on exactly where you intersect them, our streets are:

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  • An Admonition to Use A God Damned Search Engine.

If you are asking a question of someone, you should do this first. Somewhat ironically, use of this admonition can result in people saying "what does UAGDSE mean?" which is of course the perfect kind of question to send to a GDSE.

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