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Like but I'd rather have it on my own website, thank you very much.

Golden Holistic Medicine - Kaycie Rosen, Colorado Naturopathic Doctor

Our good friends Kaycie Rosen and her fiancee Steve Grigel just moved down to Colorado after spending a few years living in Anchorage. We're really excited to have them around again and, perhaps even more exciting, is that Kaycie is a Naturopathic Doctor and just opened the doors of her own Holistic Medicine Clinic in Golden, Colorado.

People Involved: 

Gardening and Ecology in Wall Street Journal Web Watch

Home Stuff:

  • Vivavi - Backpack recharger, recycled seatbelt chairs, navigate closely since it's apparently somewhat confusing.
  • GreenHome - Various recycled and "green" products by room in the house.
  • GreenFeet - various enviro products

Gardening Stuff:

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More Pretty Impress Templates

I've written about Pretty Impress Templates before, but I found some more good ones recently.

Chih-Hao Tsa has created several templates that are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license (cc-by-sa).

Favorite Impress Template

Kaohsiung was my favorite:'s the link to this collection of Impress Templates

People Involved: 

Paid blogging - Review of ReviewMe, PayPerPost, Blogsvertise (not sponsored)

There are several new companies coming out of the woodwork to help smaller publishers make money from their blog or blogs. I see this as just another step on the path from traditional media to distributed citizen media. It's also a great development in terms of enabling individuals to take control of their financial destiny.

History and Progress

Newspapers, radio shows, and other traditional media have always written favorable articles about advertisers. That is, after all, a big part of the motivation for Consumer Reports - to provide unbiased reviews of products. There are also several watchdog agencies that are pointing out the commercial bias in traditional media as Andy Hagans points out in the ReviewMe Blog. So, this is just a further step in an existing trend. And, as a further step, it's not surprising that a lot of the same contentious issues play out.

If you send a free gadget to a reviewer is that a "pay per review" situation? Martin Varsavsky debates this point but in his case he's lucky to just have a $5 product! But, when jounalists given over $500 worth of multimedia/cell phone kit, can you really expect them to be totally unbiased in writing about Nokia? Some people are bashing this new wave of "paid blogging" as biasing the blogosphere, but it's not as cut/clear of an issue as some

At the same time we've all heard the statistics about people ignoring advertising more and more - so marketers are a bit concerned about how to keep getting their ideas passed along in meme sex.

Review of the Companies

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Top 3 Turds In A List - With An Exciting Title! Digg That!

Here's three turds in a list. Take that Jaimie Sirovich!

#3 Orange Turd - by Editor B

People Involved: 

Capital Tea WiFi and Fall Hours

I've been to Capital Tea before, but today I'm writing from Capital Tea as I came here for an afternoon work session. So, this is testament to their WiFi which works fine for me.

Today I had a delicious iced chai - unsweetened as the milk in there provided enough sugar for my tastes.

Also, they announced some new Fall hours - I'm not sure how long these will last, but they're valid now.

Monday: Closed
Tuesday-Friday: 7am to 4pm
Saturday and Sunday: 11am to 4pm

They also freshened up the front since the last time I was here. Visitors are now greeted by some planters that have potato vines spilling out of them, some nice little pink and purple flowers, and tall cattails. Delightful.

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