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2FoldStudio: Denver Graphic Design and Art Lessons

Living in Denver's Baker Neighborhood is interesting for me - there are many many artistic people who choose this neighborhood which makes the landscaping, home painting, home architecture really neat. The other benefit is that lots of my neighbors are artists and grahpic designers - handy when I do web development.

2 Fold Studio - Graphic Design and Art Instruction

A friend and naighbor of mine has recently expanded her work and updated her website. The company is 2 Fold Studio and it's run by Lisa Scheideler. The two major offerings are all sorts of Graphic Design kinds of work and also Art Instruction. She's planning to offer an art studio in the summer of 2007 which should be really neat for folks in the neighborhood.

People Involved: 


Graphic Design

They seem to do a very good job with their graphic design. It looks like your friend hired a good person.