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Drupal Siting: jQuery gets Proper Plugin Repository

I had heard weeks ago from chatting with Mike Hostetler that he was working on a code repository for jQuery plugins which got me quite excited. Historically getting specific versions of jQuery plugins has been a little difficult. Now there's a great jQuery Plugin Repository that replaces the Wiki. The recent jQuery Blog post discusses the new system:

The new repository comes with a few features that are sure to help users to find what they’re looking for and determine which plugins will best suit their needs. There’s the (jQuery-based) ratings widget to let you know how highly others value each plugin. The ratings are viewable by all, and you can rate them yourself by simply registering on the site with a user name and email address. You’ll also have easier access to change logs, demos, and documentation, as well as bug reporting and feature requests.

Of course the site has tell-tale signs that it's running Drupal and other signs show that it's running the well regarded project module to manage the releases, issues, feature requests, and module listings.

Congrats to Mike and the jQuery web team on an important job well done and congrats to Drupal and Derek Wright (dww) for being selected as the platform behind yet another plugin repository. Now, if we can only see about getting those fivestar ratings available on the module download page ;)

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