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Mashed Sweet Potatoes With Cinnamon and Curry

This is a pretty simple recipe:

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1/2 tablespoon butter
  • Dash of cinnamon (to taste)
  • Dash of curry (to taste)
  • Dash of salt

Peel and cube the sweet potato and then boil the sweet potato for 20 minutes, or until tender. Drain away the water, add butter and potato to a mixing bowl and smash and blend as you would regular mashed potatoes. This serves as a side dish for 2 to 3 people.

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choose your own adventure: wedding ceremonies

So, I'm officiating a ceremony and we get to be creative. I know what christian/catholic weddings are like. I don't know Jewish ones, much, but I've seen them in movies...? I wanted to research weddings in general to get some ideas of some universal elements and fun things that we shouldn't miss.

Here's the stuff that's been helpful to me so far:

a short Hindu wedding
Red Hot Curry's guide to Hindu weddings

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Colorado Health Community - Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists

I recently re-launched a little side project called Colorado Health Community. The initial goal is to just better highlight some articles about complementary medicine from some practitioners that I know in the area. Eventually I will add back in the directory of service providers and a calendar of events, but this is all for now.

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Summer Concerts in Denver 2008

Ah, it's that time again. Time to plan for summer concerts. A quick review of all the craptastic concert calendar sites shows me too many artists coming to town this summer. Who should I see?

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Facebook Social Map - What I Should Click vs. Want to Click

If you ask to become my friend on facebook and I respond by assigning some strange social map characteristics, I'm sorry. The thing is, when that little "How do you know...?" box pops up I just have this amazing urge to select the wrong thing.

I'm not entirely sure why I get this urge. I mean, in general I like having structured data about the world that is accurate. Is it just an immature joke like "it's funny cause it's not true"?

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Colorado / Denver Political Bloggers - Get Your Convention Blogging Credentials

This is awesome. The Democratic National Convention Committee has announced a credentialing process for bloggers so that bloggers can cover the event with permission and access that will help them get a scoop not unlike the old-school media. That blog post makes it clear that it will be in a separate "pool" which is a slight bummer, but giving bloggers the same access as old-school media is probably just forward leaning enough to make the old-school people pout. This is a great step for citizen media and freedom of speech.

Are You Cool Enough to Blog the Denver Democratic Convention?

The requirements they have for applying seem interesting.



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