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Greggles, Gregorybeans, Frijoles, Beans

The Best Advanced Text Editor

Version to use: hey, it's a mature product - whatever you've got is probably good.

Once you get tired of Crimson and want to do more inside of your editing environment (like cvs updates/commits, or send/read email, or compile programs...) it's time to use XEmacs which is the better fork from the popular Emacs software.

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  • An Admonition to Use A God Damned Search Engine.

If you are asking a question of someone, you should do this first. Somewhat ironically, use of this admonition can result in people saying "what does UAGDSE mean?" which is of course the perfect kind of question to send to a GDSE.

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Annual Report 2003 - 2004

Knaddison Annual Report

In our last annual report we wrote we were thinking about moving to Holland so that Greg could work on a project there. We decided to go and had a great time.

The Hague project was pretty standard. I've also gotten involved with CLUE which provides for some seriously geeky activities like RecycleIT. This past fall Connexn merged with Azure Solutions, a Telecom Software company which is expanding it's Revenue Assurance offerings. In the past 2 years, I moved from client implementations, to Quality Assurance, and now to Software Engineering. I've been learning a lot and having some fun along the way.

While in the Netherlands, I volunteered part time for the humanitarian organization Cordaid, which was a great opportunity to get involved and meet some Dutch people while being flexible enough to enjoy some local traveling and day trips. Shortly before coming home, I accepted a different position working at Human Services Inc. with a young adult program. I work with 16 to 21 year-olds, primarily young parents, as they strive to accomplish their education and employment related goals.


  • While in the Hague last year, we took lots of small day/weekend trips to places like Delft, Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Maastricht.
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Churn baby churn!

"Churn" is a bit of jargon that companies use to describe the loss of customers in a given period, usually in a month. You'll hear it in press releases, analyst reports, and sales material from CRM vendors like "we brought our churn way down by using XYZ customer pleaser tool and our stock has been doing great ever since!"

I had heard about churn before, but never really dealt with it. For work I had to take a tool I was developing and replace an "expected customer lifetime in months" input for a "churn" input because "churn" is easier for our people to think about. That's fine, but what does "churn" mean when I'm calculating something over the life of a customer? My models needed a number of months.

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