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North Star Brewery - a Brewpub for Denver's East Highlands

I went to the North Star Restaurant and Brewery last night and had a pretty good time. They just opened up a few months ago after having a bit of a hard time getting their licenses agreed to by the neighborhood. Congratulations to them on persevering and turning a basically dead corner property into an anchor for a small commercial strip. This area of Denver is really growing and it's great to see.

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SVN Status Code Cheat Sheet

Here's a handy little "cheat sheet" that tells you what all the SVN status codes mean. I was tired of doing

svn status

? files/small.txt
? files/small_0.txt
M boards/phorum/cache
M boards/phorum/include/db/config.php

man svn

So I made this simple little sheet. Print it out. Stick it on the wall. In a month, you know the codes and throw it away (or better yet, give it to your friend who is learning SVN).

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Google Reader - Search my Feeds

Dear Google,

I'm writing to remind you that you are a search company. You make the computer do stuff for me because my time is more valuable than the time of your server-farm-borg. I was looking for this which I get in my feed of cvs commits but I couldn't find it. Finding stuff is your job, ok. So, please start keep doing it in all of your products.

Thanks, you're the bestest!

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Delicious French Toast with Orange Juice and Vanilla


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cup orange juice (pulpy is best) or fruit of one orange
  • 1/4 cup milk

And Add These According To Taste (a dash each):

  • Orange zest
  • Cinammon
  • Nutmeg

Whisk with a fork (or a whisk) to get a good mix. Fry in a pan (buttered or non-stick) for a few minutes on each side until browned. For a bonus add more of the spices onto the toast as it fries up in the pan to really bring out those flavors.

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Best Free PowerPoint Replacement

I recently received this email:

What is the Open Source equivalent (or better) of PowerPoint? Where should someone go to download it?
Are there any difficult questions when downloading it?
If someone creates a presentation in the OS version, then takes their file to another computer, can PowerPoint play it or does the other computer need to download the OS version?
Anything else that should be thought through?

Perhaps the title Best Office/Productivity/Diagramming Software isn't sufficiently targeted at all the replacements, so let me restate that if you need a Free replacement for PowerPoint that can import/export PowerPoint files,'s Impress tool works great! You can download it right on that page. It does request a donation, but you can skip that. The installation is pretty simple, though it does request that you register (free process) which helps them understand their users more. You have the option of skipping the registration.

Learning to Use Impress

There are Tutorials available online which are pretty decent. The person who wrote those is a former teacher.

Import/Export and PowerPoint compatability

While it can import/export to PowerPoint format, it doesn't do that by default. And sometimes you'll have problems with the import/export function, so it's best to get all of your friends to use as well. Unless you have some really really good reason that you use PowerPoint, is a much better piece of software that doesn't require any expensive licensing fees.

Generaly speaking, though, you can run the files that were created by on any Microsoft Office computer. Just be sure to select "Save as type" of the proper Microsoft Office program.

Templates for Impress


Denver on the Cusp of Continued Growth and Livability Improvements

Denver is really a great place. Every time I say that I wish I didn't say it because one of the things I like about Denver is that it's a medium sized city. There will come a day in the future when we have suburbs and shopping malls from the New Mexico Border right up to Wyoming all along the front-rang/I-25 corridor. Until then, we can just be excited about infill, denser downtown Denver, and a lot of exciting mass-transit options. As the Denver Infill Blog put it:

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